Legal background of Lawyer's fees in Germany

Fees for legal services in Germany, including conducting cases in court, are fixed by law and - with certain exceptions - cannot be determined by the legal profession or by individual lawyers. The attorney's fees are regulated by the German Regulation on Professional Fees of Lawyers (Rechtsanwaltsverguetungsgesetz/RVG). Basically the fee system has been deregulated over the past couple of years and is extremely transparent.

How much do lawyers in Germany cost?

The value of the case is a starting point for the determination and calculation of the fees. German Attorney's fees therefore depend mainly on the value of the matter in controversy. In all civil and commercial matters one has to look at the economic value of the matter in question.

Legal cost-check concerning your specific case

Please feel free to enquire the approximate fees that will arise in your case. In most cases the party that loses a trial will have to reimburse the legal fees of the winning party, limited to the amount of the RVG-fees.

Please contact us

Please feel free to contact the law office to place a demand for first initial and overall budgetary cost-check. We shall communicate to you the approximate fees that will arise in your case. These costs will be evaluated on a first initial budgetary evaluation basis. 


Contact us

Law office
Gerald E. Bitzer
Dahlienstr. 19
D-80935 Muenchen

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Phone: +49 89 313 4154
Fax: +49 89 3584 6926
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