Professional out of court efforts as the most efficient means of collecting debts

We believe that a normal scenario will require a demand letter to the delinquent debtor if our services are retained.

Although we believed that litigation should be applied as a last resort as most of the creditors intend to preserve the relationship they have with their debtor. Though they do hope not to resort to litigation unless all other options are exhausted but they will like the comfort of knowing that the option is available and letting their debtor know that litigation may be enforced if this option becomes unavoidable.

Initiating an amicable debt recovery process in Germany theshould be the first step to undertake. It might be of your interest to initiate a collection process that is professional at all times with the target to retain business relationships between you and the debtor whenever feasible. A first debt collection process has already been started by you in-house, but there was no or a negative response of the debtor.

Out of court escalation process

There exist certain levels of escalation steps in order to demonstrate to the debtor that you will seriously take all steps available to recover your claim.

If no amicable solution can be found to balance settlement during the pre-judicial collection phase it is time to start consistent and fair judicial collection.

Contact us

Law office
Gerald E. Bitzer
Dahlienstr. 19
D-80935 Muenchen

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Phone: +49 89 313 4154
Fax: +49 89 3584 6926
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