Financial and legal consequences of outstanding debts for commercial companies

Financial cash flow reduction

Late payment is a fact of business life but the problem is that delayed and late payments have a disastrous impact on business cash flow figures and can create severe cash flow problems for any type of business. Avoiding outstanding debts, payment delays, and failures thus secures the success and in some cases the survival of internationally active companies.

Minimization of outstanding debts through consequent collections is a key item for the success of companies, and in some cases it is even a pure necessity for the survival of the company.

To stay ahead in the payment stakes and to maintain the cash flow, it is essential to consequently persue outstanding payments with effective legal skills and techniques.

Legal consequences of a further delay

Companies should not wait until the claim is statute-barred or even the insolvency of the business partner is declared. They should rather look for immediate liquidation of your claims.


Contact us

Law office
Gerald E. Bitzer
Dahlienstr. 19
D-80935 Muenchen

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Phone: +49 89 313 4154
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